For a much more in depth history check out this academic paper by Rabbi Michael Satz

ARZA’s Mission:

“ARZA strengthens and enriches the Jewish identity of Reform Jews in the United States by ensuring that a connection with the Land, People, and State of Israel are fundamental parts of that identity.”

ARZA, the Association of Reform Zionists of America, is the Zionist arm and voice of the Reform Movement, serving 1.8 million Reform Jews in North America. ARZA, operating under the umbrella of the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ), acts as the vehicle for the collective participation of American Reform Jews in the Israel engagement agenda with an emphasis on advocacy, travel, and Zionist education in North America. ARZA’s mission is to make Israel fundamental to the sacred lives and Jewish identity of Reform Jews. ARZA unconditionally supports Israel and champions activities that further Israel as a pluralistic, just, and democratic Jewish state. ARZA is also a proud member of ARZENU, the umbrella organization of Reform and Progressive Religious Zionists with constituent groups in fourteen countries. ARZA represents the American Reform Movement to the Israeli National Institutions – The World Zionist Organization, the Jewish National Fund, the Jewish Agency for Israel.

Promoting Progressive Values in Israel




ARZA is dedicated to advancing progressive values in Israel and making Israel a central pillar of Jewish identity for every Reform Jew. ARZA represents the Reform Movement to the Zionist National Institutions, using our position to create a more equal, democratic, and pluralistic Israel. The Jewish State must be a society that reflects the whole Jewish people, with the respect and legitimacy granted to all denominations. We work for acceptance of the Reform Movement, addressing issues of gender equality, civil marriage, conversion, racial justice and much more. These are our values and this is our Homeland.

ARZA is Your Representative to the Zionist National Institutions

ARZA is an independent membership organization that serves as the Zionist organization of the Reform Movement. ARZA promotes liberal Zionist values at the National Institutions, specifically the World Zionist Organization. Through elections, we gain seats at the table and use our position to advance progressive policies on the ground in Israel.

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