Upcoming events for Yom HaZikaron and Yom Ha’Atzmaut
Zionist Beit Midrash
Join us on Tuesday April 13th at 8pm ET/5pm PT, Erev Yom HaZikaron, for a special session that will be taught by three presenters, Rabbi Natan Trief, Shai Zurim, & Dr. Ilana Kwartin, who will share about their IDF service. Each will teach one text that connects to their experience and the theme of this memorial to Israel’s fallen.
Reform Movement-Wide Yom HaAtzmaut Celebration
Thursday April 15th at 12pm ET/9am PT
Join the IMPJ, in partnership with ARZA, Arzenu and WUPJ, for a special event celebrating Israel’s 73 Independence Day.
Israel’s 73rd Celebration-Oneg Shabbat
Friday April 16th at 9:30pm ET/6:30pm PT
Join Rabbi Josh Weinberg and our Movement’s premier musicians for a musical Oneg Shabbat to sing, tell stories, and celebrate Israel on its 73rd birthday.
We are honored to include Danny Maseng, Joanie Leeds, Peri Smilow, Chana Rothman, Happie Hoffman, Rabbi Ken Chasen, and many more Cantors, Rabbis, and musicians!
Shabbat Learning Sessions
Saturday April 17th 11am ET/ 8am PT- 2pm ET/11am PT
On the move- making Aliyah– 11am ET/ 8am PT
Strengthening the Dialogue – 12pm ET/ 9am PT
What is Yom Haatzmaut Today? – 1pm ET/ 10am PT
Havdalah & Concert
Saturday April 17th 2pm ET/ 11am PT
Register here for your interest in all or part of the program to be sent the information on how to join the events on Saturday the 17th.
All events will be livestreamed on ARZA’s Facebook and ARZENU’s YouTube channel.
The Last Interview with Eshkol Nevo
Sunday, April 18 at 11 am ET/ 8am PT
Temple Emanu-El of Westfield, NJ is thrilled to have a conversation with Eshkol Nevo one of Israel’s most successful writers. Join Rabbi Ethan Prosnit and Rabbi Josh Weinberg as they discuss Eshkol’s newest book, The Last Interview, and learn about his inspiration and the writing scene in Israel.
Register here to join the conversation